Monday, July 31, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Tuesday Morning on El Defenzor Live July 25, 2006
I was one of the callers being moved back for more preferential Republican Callers.
Susie Luna waited for quite a while as well, but when she finally got to “weigh in” she expressed her responsibility as a precinct chair. It is not how she wants to vote but how her precinct would want her to vote. She commented on the elect ability of a candidate and that all Precinct Chairs of HD # 33 should be engaging their precinct voters and seeking their choice; not catering to interest of any candidate or monetary influence.
Here is what I had to say to Mr. Bertuzzi and the Republicans.
I challenge MR BERTUZZI to engage the FULL; ALL OUT SUPPORT OF Mr. Guy Williams who is running for the 148th District. Also, I challenge Mr. Bertuzzi to direct the full support of Mr. Willie Vaden for the 27th Congressional District. Right now the Republican Party, for some reason; refuses to get behind these Republican Candidates. Hey Bertuzzi, put your money where your mouth is and support your candidates FULLY!
You wanted to advertise and brag of accomplishments supporting Tom Greenwell and Rose Vela?
Why doesn’t the Republican Party back Guy Williams and Willie Vaden like they back up Tom and Rose?
And remember, when the Democratic Party does this to their candidates we challenge Alex Garcia and Mikal Watts to do the same thing. And they do. Just look at Juan Garcia’s war chest now. Remember Rudy from EVW? Go back and refresh yourselves on the Archer & Nathan discussion and see how the war chest of Juan Garcia then magically appeared?
Come on Bertuzzi?
Show some class.
Oh yeah, and some money for your unclaimed Republicans or the ones you figured in as trade offs with the Dems .
Who for whom?
As it has been pre-arranged?
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Political Pulse: LULAC Reps Gambi Gamboa & Joe Ortiz bring home National support for Local LULAC humanitarian issues
LULAC Reps Gambi Gamboa & Joe Ortiz bring home National support for Local LULAC humanitarian issues
Support for soldiers, Ramsey Muniz passes
By Anthony Martinez Beven Caller-Times
July 2, 2006
What passed What was tabled Delegates at the national League of United Latin American Citizens convention passed without dissent a resolution calling for the release of Ramsey Muniz, a former area lawyer and candidate for governor in the early 1970s. Muniz, 64, is serving a life sentence in federal prison after three drug-related felony convictions during a 17-year period. Arguing his health is failing and adequate health care services are lacking, LULAC approved a call for his release during the national convention in Milwaukee. The convention ended Saturday. LULAC Council 1, based in Corpus Christi, had been leading the initiative, and chapters across Texas have passed a similar statewide resolution. "For the state of Texas, I was very happy. For the national level, I was very surprised because 1,000 members voted unanimously for the humanitarian release of Ramsey," said Gambi Gamboa, Council 1 civil rights chairman. The organization wants to see, for humanitarian reasons, that he gets let out and spends the last few years with his family, Gamboa said from Milwaukee. He said the national council is requesting the U.S. Justice Department intervene and help facilitate the release of Muniz. Another resolution passed that seeks community support, particularly among employers, for soldiers coming back from the war in Iraq. Nancy Vera, president of LULAC Council 4444, said national support for the resolution highlights that though LULAC is a Hispanic civil rights organization, it stands behind the United States. "We hold true our traditions and our heritage, there's no question of our loyalty to the United States," Vera said. "This is our home. This where we were born, many of us." Vera said Council 4444 is working closely with the local chapter of Blue Star Mothers, a national group of moms whose sons and daughters are soldiers in Iraq and other places who offer support to families whose children have been killed in the war. A third resolution regarding the boycott of Telemundo television network and its advertisers after TV personality Johnny Canales claims he was discriminated against for his Mexican origin was tabled, said Gonzalo Tamez, Council 4444 vice president and a convention delegate. Joe Ortiz, district director for area LULAC chapters, recently said discrimination prompted Canales' music show to be canceled earlier this year. "Because it's under negotiation they think they are going to be able to come to some kind of agreement," said Tamez, who attended the convention on behalf of Council 4444. However, if negotiations fail, LULAC may consider a national resolution in favor of Canales, he said. Contact Anthony Martinez Beven at 886-3792 or bevena@
Both local LULAC chapters reveled in support shown Saturday by the national organization for two resolutions tied to Corpus Christi.
Locally supported resolutions