Cul De Sac Politics

Political Pulse is compiled and written by Jaime Kenedeno. This week's contributors include Dannoynted1, and CCNEMO If YOU want to Contribute to our team efforts, have a tip or you need the ENGAGEMENT & INTERACTIVE ; Team Kenedeno respectfully brings it to YOU. Then it is up to you to do your homework. Contact Jaime at 361 851-2851 or

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Jaime Kenedeño said...
Ok, guys a little satyre from Chicano Hot Wired News Network from the Blue:

the caucasian evolution
Posted on May 16, 2006 at 01:08:34 PM by CCHWNN

Cchwnn: exclusive report con maria la vandia : “the caucasian evolution”.

The people, events and circumstances that are covered by Chicano Cable Hot Wired News Network are make believe. And for any reason your name, or event, or circumstance resembles something that really happened is just a coincidental. This Web-site is an entertainment site. This is not real news or real events. It is mostly make beleive and people perceive this as real news. View this site in jest. If you think this is actually real news or believe to be either racist or promoting racisism... then you're an idiot more than i am.

Hello my friends I am maria la vandia con an esta exclusive report on a brand new orgainzation that has teamed up con our own barrio group “let me put the finger on you committee”. This new group is called “the caucasian evolution’, headed by a former city redneck comissioner Russell rusty Ruffneck, who by the way is married to la prima Maria gomez ruiz.

Based on mr Ruffneck’s comments, this organization is calling for all caucasians to stand together on this bothered days. Mr ruffnecks : hello my brothers and sisters, at one time we were all caucasians. I remember when there was only two kind of people and that was black or caucasian. We want to assure all the members in this here hood, that I an my Maria are very proud of. We have lived here for as long as I can remember. So we are calling all you caucasians with the same feeling of what is going on, that we must take a stand.

This immgration issue has divided many families and friends. But what better is that now we know who are friends are. First of all let me thank a barriooo group that has joined our new evolution an that’s “ let me put the finger on you committee”. Its people like this that will help us keep those illegals out off our hood and keep them mexicans away from those low paying jobs, that we need. But today we are calling for all barrio members, that want to stand up for our american way and that’s the only way, to have our own protest.

Yes, we “ the caucasian evolution” will be having a our day of protest. Our protest will keep on those barrio business that hire and cader to them boys. We are calling a boycott to all the mexicans resturations and stores and shops that had illegals working. We are also asking all the unemployed causcasians to stand and help do those ugly, dirty, sticky, low wage jobs, for one day. For those farmers and ranchers come by our office on our great day and we will have caucasians that are willing to do them job them boys do in the fields, hot shops, and them odd jobs. So join us barriooo members on this great day.

Well there yu have it folks I am maria la vandia and “the caucasian revolution” is schedule for this coming fourth of july. A march and many things are being planned here in the hood along con “let me put the finger on you committee”.

We will continune to cover this story and its impack in our hood. Cchwnn stand that we do not support this group nor believe in what the heck they are trying to prove. I am maria la vandia from our command post here in kingsville tex.

dannoynted1 responded to Danny:

Re(1): the caucasian evolution
Posted on May 19, 2006 at 03:55:31 AM by dannoynted1

well them folks i heard are introuble with their rich tlr familias that they are earning their keep pos as an "agitator" for the "corporate familia"

An inspired Elwood Blues of the CCCT Meassage Boards wrote his own version and it really does make one think about it from another vantage point:

Re(1): the caucasian evolution
Posted on May 21, 2006 at 02:14:42 PM by Elwood Blues

The people,events and circumstances that are covered by the following post are make believe.Any resemblance to actual persons,events,or circumstances is purely coincidental.This post is a tongue and cheek fictionalization.This post is not based on real people or events.It is intended solely for the purposes of satire.Read this post in jest.If you think this is an actually recounting of events,or believe it to be either racist or promoting racism..then you're a bigger idiot than I am.

Juan began the day in the usual fashion..he awoke at 5:30 a.m..and dressed himself while Josefina set about making a hearty breakfast of chorizo con huevos con homemade flour tortillas,and prepared Juan's lunch for work.The children,Lupe,Lupita,Carlos,Carlito,Meme,Chema,Beto,Rosita,Cruz,Flor,and Juanito would be waking soon,so there was much to do.Seating at the meal table was first come,first served,and most of the children would grouse about eating second shift.

Jose made his way through the steady steam of hungry mouths making their way towards the breakfast table,his plastic Kmart bag containing his lunch in hand,and headed to the door..and with a final admonishment to the children to make sure to feed the chickens and the goats,he was off to work.

What started out as a routine day,though slowly began to turn ominous.First..the little tiendita Juan always stopped at for his morning Budweiser was out of his favorite scratch off lottery tickets.As Juan left the store and sat in his pickup with the "RAMON" decal proudly displayed in the back window,he remembered thinking to himself.."pinche gringos..they're trying to keep me down! They saw that I won $5 on the "Aces Wild" scratch off,so they kept the rest of them for themselves..bastardos!..who do they think they are?"

Things really took a turn for the worse,though..when Juan finally got to the jobsite.He looked around and slowly realized he didn't know half the vatos there..even though he'd been on this site for almost six months.Being concerned..he went looking for the jefe,Pablo,a short,extremely overweight man the vatos called " Pablo panson".

" Oye,Pablo Panson..who are all these nuevo vatos aqui?" Juan asked. "Mira,Juan..they're the vatos we hired last Monday when you vatos didn't show up for work".

"Nombre nombre, was un dia sin Mexicanos last Monday..remember? It was the day we were all supposed to stay home to show the gringo how much they need us..the day we were supposed to march in the streets!"..Juan said..a hint of panic in his voice.

Si,Juan..yo comprende,pero while you vatos were at home making barbacoa and playing conjunto music,these vatos sneaked here from Mejico,and took your jobs,ese..sorry".Pero..I know you make $6.00 an hour,but these vatos will work for $4.00 an hour doing the same thing you vatos did,and they don't complain like you vatos did,and when one gets caught by la migra..pero ten more are ready to take his place" Pablo Panson said matter-of-factly."Sorry,Juan..but you've been replaced by a young vato from Piedras Negras who works twice as hard for half the dinero".

"But..but..I supported the march,Pablo! I took the day off and sat at the casa like they told me to! It was for my rights,jefe!..they said it was for my rights! They didn't tell me that estos mojados would take my job if I stayed home!" Juan exclaimed..clearly upset over the sudden realization tht he'd been fired.

Pablo Panson shook his head sadly.."I know,vato..I know.There were muchos things the vatos who put these marches together didn't tell you".Those vatos don't have to worry about mojados coming in and taking their jobs,so they didn't care.All they wanted was chingos de gente in the streets.Vatos like you,though,got fooled into helping them,and now,you don't have job. Sorry,Juan..pero you'll find otro job,though..but you're gonna have to work for the same or less than vatos like these do."

Dejectedly,Juan walked slowly back to his truck and headed home." Pinches mojados" Juan muttered under his breath..."who do they think they are?"

Which got ME to thinkin bout the YANQUI Elite in our city:

I like it but......
Posted on May 21, 2006 at 05:21:18 PM by Jaime Kenedeno

can you keep it Rowling?

You know "these Mexicans, we buy em TWO for a Nickel."

Also, I cant see this affecting the professional labor pool. I know this is the case in some of the skilled labor & crafts.

Pretty IRL to ME.

As the disclaimer disclims, so be it.

My non fiction is always fiction "to protect the innocent".

dun da dun dun

dun da dunt dunt dunh


Also EB, That is the American Way of Entrepreneurship 'cept....
Posted on May 21, 2006 at 10:33:34 PM by Jaime Kenedeno

the names could have very well been Fulton, Rowling, Bodine, Scott, Braselton, Pruett, Jerry Garcia (Hacienda), Omni, Armstrong, Hubert, Rabalais, Turner, Brown, Haas, Anderson, Durrill, Berry, Bay "and the like".

At least as the Jefe's names it could be true.

Hey big boys dont go and start oppressing the crime you have been committing cause it has been the norm to hire from third labor pool forever. Instead go out and proactively document your undocumented. Create a system to bring in replacement low level raw labor as the guest workers migrate or become full fledged USA citizens with Patriotism "and the like". Each worker should be qualified to be rewarded for his productiveness from bottom of the raw labor to leader of the raw labor to corporate executive should he earn it.

South Texas Chisme: Red-meat and cheap labor

The Yanqui Elite Employers of South Texas and the Body of Christ

Ok, guys a little satyre from Chicano Hot Wired News Network from the Blue:

the caucasian evolution
Posted on May 16, 2006 at 01:08:34 PM by CCHWNN

Cchwnn: exclusive report con maria la vandia : “the caucasian evolution”.

The people, events and circumstances that are covered by Chicano Cable Hot Wired News Network are make believe. And for any reason your name, or event, or circumstance resembles something that really happened is just a coincidental. This Web-site is an entertainment site. This is not real news or real events. It is mostly make beleive and people perceive this as real news. View this site in jest. If you think this is actually real news or believe to be either racist or promoting racisism... then you're an idiot more than i am.

Hello my friends I am maria la vandia con an esta exclusive report on a brand new orgainzation that has teamed up con our own barrio group “let me put the finger on you committee”. This new group is called “the caucasian evolution’, headed by a former city redneck comissioner Russell rusty Ruffneck, who by the way is married to la prima Maria gomez ruiz.

Based on mr Ruffneck’s comments, this organization is calling for all caucasians to stand together on this bothered days. Mr ruffnecks : hello my brothers and sisters, at one time we were all caucasians. I remember when there was only two kind of people and that was black or caucasian. We want to assure all the members in this here hood, that I an my Maria are very proud of. We have lived here for as long as I can remember. So we are calling all you caucasians with the same feeling of what is going on, that we must take a stand.

This immgration issue has divided many families and friends. But what better is that now we know who are friends are. First of all let me thank a barriooo group that has joined our new evolution an that’s “ let me put the finger on you committee”. Its people like this that will help us keep those illegals out off our hood and keep them mexicans away from those low paying jobs, that we need. But today we are calling for all barrio members, that want to stand up for our american way and that’s the only way, to have our own protest.

Yes, we “ the caucasian evolution” will be having a our day of protest. Our protest will keep on those barrio business that hire and cader to them boys. We are calling a boycott to all the mexicans resturations and stores and shops that had illegals working. We are also asking all the unemployed causcasians to stand and help do those ugly, dirty, sticky, low wage jobs, for one day. For those farmers and ranchers come by our office on our great day and we will have caucasians that are willing to do them job them boys do in the fields, hot shops, and them odd jobs. So join us barriooo members on this great day.

Well there yu have it folks I am maria la vandia and “the caucasian revolution” is schedule for this coming fourth of july. A march and many things are being planned here in the hood along con “let me put the finger on you committee”.

We will continune to cover this story and its impack in our hood. Cchwnn stand that we do not support this group nor believe in what the heck they are trying to prove. I am maria la vandia from our command post here in kingsville tex.

dannoynted1 responded to Danny:

Re(1): the caucasian evolution
Posted on May 19, 2006 at 03:55:31 AM by dannoynted1

well them folks i heard are introuble with their rich tlr familias that they are earning their keep pos as an "agitator" for the "corporate familia"

An inspired Elwood Blues of the CCCT Meassage Boards wrote his own version and it really does make one think about it from another vantage point:

Re(1): the caucasian evolution
Posted on May 21, 2006 at 02:14:42 PM by Elwood Blues

The people,events and circumstances that are covered by the following post are make believe.Any resemblance to actual persons,events,or circumstances is purely coincidental.This post is a tongue and cheek fictionalization.This post is not based on real people or events.It is intended solely for the purposes of satire.Read this post in jest.If you think this is an actually recounting of events,or believe it to be either racist or promoting racism..then you're a bigger idiot than I am.

Juan began the day in the usual fashion..he awoke at 5:30 a.m..and dressed himself while Josefina set about making a hearty breakfast of chorizo con huevos con homemade flour tortillas,and prepared Juan's lunch for work.The children,Lupe,Lupita,Carlos,Carlito,Meme,Chema,Beto,Rosita,Cruz,Flor,and Juanito would be waking soon,so there was much to do.Seating at the meal table was first come,first served,and most of the children would grouse about eating second shift.

Jose made his way through the steady steam of hungry mouths making their way towards the breakfast table,his plastic Kmart bag containing his lunch in hand,and headed to the door..and with a final admonishment to the children to make sure to feed the chickens and the goats,he was off to work.

What started out as a routine day,though slowly began to turn ominous.First..the little tiendita Juan always stopped at for his morning Budweiser was out of his favorite scratch off lottery tickets.As Juan left the store and sat in his pickup with the "RAMON" decal proudly displayed in the back window,he remembered thinking to himself.."pinche gringos..they're trying to keep me down! They saw that I won $5 on the "Aces Wild" scratch off,so they kept the rest of them for themselves..bastardos!..who do they think they are?"

Things really took a turn for the worse,though..when Juan finally got to the jobsite.He looked around and slowly realized he didn't know half the vatos there..even though he'd been on this site for almost six months.Being concerned..he went looking for the jefe,Pablo,a short,extremely overweight man the vatos called " Pablo panson".

" Oye,Pablo Panson..who are all these nuevo vatos aqui?" Juan asked. "Mira,Juan..they're the vatos we hired last Monday when you vatos didn't show up for work".

"Nombre nombre, was un dia sin Mexicanos last Monday..remember? It was the day we were all supposed to stay home to show the gringo how much they need us..the day we were supposed to march in the streets!"..Juan said..a hint of panic in his voice.

Si,Juan..yo comprende,pero while you vatos were at home making barbacoa and playing conjunto music,these vatos sneaked here from Mejico,and took your jobs,ese..sorry".Pero..I know you make $6.00 an hour,but these vatos will work for $4.00 an hour doing the same thing you vatos did,and they don't complain like you vatos did,and when one gets caught by la migra..pero ten more are ready to take his place" Pablo Panson said matter-of-factly."Sorry,Juan..but you've been replaced by a young vato from Piedras Negras who works twice as hard for half the dinero".

"But..but..I supported the march,Pablo! I took the day off and sat at the casa like they told me to! It was for my rights,jefe!..they said it was for my rights! They didn't tell me that estos mojados would take my job if I stayed home!" Juan exclaimed..clearly upset over the sudden realization tht he'd been fired.

Pablo Panson shook his head sadly.."I know,vato..I know.There were muchos things the vatos who put these marches together didn't tell you".Those vatos don't have to worry about mojados coming in and taking their jobs,so they didn't care.All they wanted was chingos de gente in the streets.Vatos like you,though,got fooled into helping them,and now,you don't have job. Sorry,Juan..pero you'll find otro job,though..but you're gonna have to work for the same or less than vatos like these do."

Dejectedly,Juan walked slowly back to his truck and headed home." Pinches mojados" Juan muttered under his breath..."who do they think they are?"

Which got ME to thinkin bout the YANQUI Elite in our city:

I like it but......
Posted on May 21, 2006 at 05:21:18 PM by Jaime Kenedeno

can you keep it Rowling?

You know "these Mexicans, we buy em TWO for a Nickel."

Also, I cant see this affecting the professional labor pool. I know this is the case in some of the skilled labor & crafts.

Pretty IRL to ME.

As the disclaimer disclims, so be it.

My non fiction is always fiction "to protect the innocent".

dun da dun dun

dun da dunt dunt dunh


Also EB, That is the American Way of Entrepreneurship 'cept....
Posted on May 21, 2006 at 10:33:34 PM by Jaime Kenedeno

the names could have very well been Fulton, Rowling, Bodine, Scott, Braselton, Pruett, Jerry Garcia (Hacienda), Omni, Armstrong, Hubert, Rabalais, Turner, Brown, Haas, Anderson, Durrill, Berry, Bay "and the like".

At least as the Jefe's names it could be true.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

We're From Here!

under construction